Integrative Cancer Conference
The Most Cutting Edge Solutions for
Helping Your Body Fight Cancer

April 25-27


Austin, TX

Stay tuned for news about The 2025 Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference

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    The Most Cutting Edge Solutions for Helping Your Body Fight Cancer.

    What’s being shared

    Cutting edge solutions, science and support for putting an end to cancer with top Doctors and Cancer Conquerors from Holistic, Functional and Integrative Medicine.

    Who’s it for

    Cancer Patients, Cancer Caretakers, Cancer Doctors, Cancer Coaches and Experts and Anyone Wanting to Learn About Preventing or Healing Cancer using Functional and Integrative Medicine.

    What’s being funded

    Cancer stem cells are notorious for resisting chemotherapy and lingering in the body, leading to cancer recurrence and metastasis. Fully funded by the 2023 conference, the breast cancer stem cell research has shown very promising results. Join us at the 2025 conference to learn more about our research discoveries and why we’re shifting our focus to prostate cancer stem cells.

    Learn more about the 2023 breast cancer stem cell research project.

    What’s happening

    Education, Inspiration, Community, Networking, Presentations, Workshops, Technology, Scientific Breakthroughs, Entertainment, Fundraising and a “Dress to Impress” Gala Dinner.

    What it’s benefiting

    The Beljanski Foundation – a 501(c)(3) non-profit conducting scientific research into natural plant extracts for cancer treatment and cancer prevention.



    Hear directly from the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference speakers, attendees and exhibitors.



    Explore the unforgettable moments from the 2023 conference.

    integrative cancer conference replay

    Learn more about the most cutting edge solutions for helping your body fight cancer by purchasing The 2023 Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference replay.

    Photo Gallery

    Click the button below to view all the 2023 Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference photos!



    Working to Cure Cancer
    The Natural Way

    Confronted with increased pollution and epidemics of cancer and other chronic diseases, the overall mission of the Beljanski Foundation is to study and share knowledge of effective non-toxic natural answers that work both alone and in synergy with traditional western medicine. These values, at the very core of integrative medicine, are the legacy of Dr. Mirko Beljanski, PhD (1923-1998), the French biologist who uncovered the link between environmental toxins and carcinogenesis when he was working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

    The Beljanski Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in New York City.


    Have a question about the integrative cancer conference? Fill out the form below and a member of the Beljanski Foundation team will get back to you shortly.

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