Press Pass Application Form - The Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference

Press Pass Application Form

Thank you for your interest in getting a press pass for The Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference. Please complete the form below.

If you’d like to be considered for media/press passes to attend/cover the conference, please fill out the press application below. If you’re approved, someone from our team will be in touch.

Applicable press/media includes:

  • Newspapers
  • Radio
  • Podcasters
  • Television
  • Bloggers
  • YouTubers
  • TickTockers
  • Influencers
  • And more…

Please note, we require all approved media/press to promote the conference ahead of time by sending at least one email to their email list or one video to your social account inviting people to attend the event.

Press passes include access to the 2-day conference and are approved on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you!

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